Rules Regarding Complaints of offences

Noti. No. 48170c/v-2846-60, dated Jan. 9, 1961- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 56 and sub-section (2) of Section 54 of the U.P. Homoeopathic Medicine Act, 1951 (U.P. Act No. VIII of 1952). The Governor of the U.P. is pleased to make the following rule.

The Registrar, Homoeopathic Medicine Board, Uttarakhand, is empowered to make Complaint in writing in respect of offences under the U.P. Homoeopathic Medicine Act, 1951.
October 14, 1954
No.532/H.M.B.-F-8-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) Of section 55 of the U.P. homoeopathic medicine Act, 1951 (U.P. act no. VIII of 1952), the Board of Homoeopathic Medicine, Uttar Pradesh ,had made the following regulations, the same having been previously published in the Uttar Pradesh gazette dated November 28,6953 under notification no. ,5043/H.M.B.F-8, dated November 23, 1953, and having been confirmed by the state government as required under section 57 of the said act, which shall come into force from the date of publication of this notification in the Uttar Pradesh gazette.
Regulation under section 55 (2) (a),(b)and (c) of The Uttar Pradesh Homoeopathic Medicine act, 1951.
- The board shall ordinarily meet in the month of April and September every year .these meeting shall be called ordinary meetings of the Board ,
- (a) The chairman may, either at his own instance or at the written request or at least one third of the members of the Board call a special meeting at any time during the year if in his opinion the business to be transacted justifies the holding of such a meeting and it will not be necessary to apply for additional grant from the government for meeting its cost.
(b) Special meeting of the board will in no ease ,be held without the previous approval of the state government when its cost cannot be met out of the funds of the board. - (a) Subject to regulation 2, a special meeting of the board shall be held within one month from the date of the receipt of a written request of at least one-third member of the board.
(b) In such meeting no business other than that mentioned in the notice convening it shall be transacted. - All meeting of the board shall be held at the office of the board or at such place and at such time as the chairman may in the behalf decide.
- A notice containing information regarding the place, date and time of the meeting of the board and the business to be transected thereat shall be sent to all members at least fifteen days before the date on which the meeting is to be held. the non- receipt of such notice by any member shall not however , invalidate the proceeding of the meeting.
- When it is necessary to postpone a meeting for want of quorum. the chairman shall adjourn it to a date not beyond fifteen days. for such adjourned meeting it shall not, be necessary to serve a notice prescribed in regulation 5.
- The chairman may, with the consent of the majority of members present in the meeting, adjourn it from time to time, provided that the unfinished business of the day will be given precedence in the next meeting of the board.
- If, after the notice calling for the meeting has been issued, the chairman considers that the date binging is fixed for any meeting should be postponed due to some special circumstances or otherwise, he may postpone the date of the meeting to any other date which shall not be later than fifteen days from the date originally fixed for the meeting and a fresh notice communicating the new date shall be sent to all member at least seven days before the date at which the meeting is to be held.
- A member who wises to move a resolution, shall give not less than seven days notice of his intention in writing to the registrar and shall, together with the notice, submit a copy of the resolution which he wishes to move.
Provided that the chairman may, with the concert of the majority of the members present in a meeting allow a resolution to be moved even if the notice falls short of the prescribed period.
provided further that a resolution will not be taken into consideration till it has been duly seconded by another member present in the meeting.